Camden DNA Testing.
DNA Test Camden, New Jersey specializes in Paternity Test, Immigration DNA, Prenatal Paternity and Ancestry DNA Testing. The DNA Lab team has over 20 years of experience handling DNA testing at a global level.
With more than 1600 DNA Collection Sites (patience service centers) located throughout US and serving over 168 countries. Give us call to schedule a DNA Test at a location most convenient to you.
The DNA Test is a painless non-invasive procedure that should not take more than 20 min.
We are not just a DNA Test collection service. We are a Reputable Company with years of dedication to our clients.
According to the American Association of Blood Banks, 30 percent of 354,000 men who took paternity tests in 2003 were not the biological father of the tested child.

Phone: (908) 494-5750
Fax: (908) 962-9193
We Specialize in:
Legal Paternity Testing
We provide court-admissible Paternity Test; our test results are accepted in any court in the United States of America. Court admissible paternity testing are used for any legal purpose including child custody, divorce, child support, inheritance, birth certificate, real estate cases etc.
Personal Knowledge or Peace of Mind Paternity Test
This DNA Test is less expensive, and the results are as accurate as the Legal Paternity Test, but results are not admissible in a court of law they are only for personal knowledge.
Prenatal Paternity Test Non-Invasive
Now you could know who the biological father of your child is after 10 weeks in to the pregnancy by simply drawing blood from the mother and the alleged father. Unlike amniocentesis, a Non-invasive Prenatal Paternity Test does not require a needle inserted into the mother’s womb.
Immigration DNA
Immigration DNA is used when the US Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) request you to proof a biological relationship between the Petitioner and a Beneficiary for Immigration purposes.
DNA Testing of Camden NJ will collect DNA sample on the person living in the United States (Petitioner) and we will collect DNA sample from the (Beneficiary), in any country.
The Test results will be ship to the Petitioner and the Embassy/USCIS within 2 days of receiving the Beneficiary sample.
Our reference Lab is an American Association of Blood Banks Accredited Laboratory (AABB) which is a USCIS request for Immigration DNA Testing.